Aims, Vision and Values
- To ensure all students can be successful learners.
- To encourage all students to have the highest expectations for their education and their future careers
- To provide an environment where everybody behaves appropriately
- To ensure all students feel safe and happy.
- To encourage self-confidence, responsibility and a positive self-image
- For students to be ready to leave Forest Hall School with the skills, attributes and character to be an independent lifelong learner
- To provide an environment which encourages students to be fit and healthy
- To ensure excellence and enjoyment every day
- To ensure that any type of prejudice based discrimination like racism, homophobia and sexism is challenged
At Forest Hall school we strive to ensure that our young people become exceptional.
Our school vision is simply ‘We ARE Forest Hall’ –
A-aspiring to
R-reach the
Please click here to see Our Vision.