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GCSE Results 2023
Posted: 24th August 2023Young people have been “empowered to achieve the exceptional” by their secondary school.
As Year 11 students collected their GCSE results today, leaders praised the young people for their achievements.
Kayleigh Trainor, assistant headteacher, said: “Yet again, we are delighted with the results for the students. They are a reflection of the efforts of our students and their dedication to being exceptional.
“Notably, there have been some exceptional achievements with students excelling in many areas of the curriculum.
“More than 60 per cent of students secured a good pass in both English and maths; with many students achieving their own personal success across the curriculum.
“We know Forest Hall School has provided the students with the backbone for post-16 education. Each and every one of them is moving on to their next steps empowered to achieve the exceptional and ready to embrace the wonderful opportunities that are coming their way.”
Headteacher Dustin Schuyler said: “I would like to congratulate the students and staff for their hard work and success in achieving such great results.
“The school is proud of each and every student and we wish all of you the very best of luck as you move forward, whether that be attending a sixth form, college or taking up an apprenticeship.
“A massive well done to all of you!”